At the initiative of the City of Bordeaux, this exhibition presents the context, the issues and the states of affair of the Bordeaux Frugal Building (Bfb) label, created to respond to climate issues and Bordeaux inhabitants’ well-being.
The label was initiated by the City of Bordeaux in 2021. Inspired by the Manifesto for happy & creative frugality, it aims at regional coherence with Nouvelle-Aquitaine Sustainable Buildings approach (in French). The exhibition presents contexts, challenges and advances of this label, materialized in around 10 Bordeaux demonstrator projects, currently being examined and reworked by stakeholders (architecst, developers) since Fall 2020.
To learn more about Bordeaux Frugal Building label (most of them in French):
- on Bordeaux City website
- présentation by Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux
- exhibition pannels available on issuu : part 1 and part 2
- radio program “Bien dans ma ville”/France Bleu : the label as seen by the City of Bordeaux, architects (A6A) and developers (Pierre Vital)
for 308 – Maison de l’Architecture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine / visual identity and graphic design @tabaramounien / all pictures @Arthur Péquin for 308-MA